n-dimensional Euclidean space

  • 网络n维欧氏空间
n-dimensional Euclidean spacen-dimensional Euclidean space
  1. On the angle between two dimensional planes in the n-dimensional Euclidean space


  2. In this paper , a necessary optimality condition of problems with equality constraints is investigated by the implicit function theorem in n-dimensional Euclidean space . A new approach solving these problems is obtained .


  3. The Modulus Distribution of Random Point in n-Dimensional Euclidean Space


  4. Ptolemy theorem is extended to n-dimensional Euclidean space for application .


  5. Two geometric inequalities in the n-dimensional Euclidean space


  6. Canonical Representations and Degree of Freedom Formulae of Orthogonal Tensors in n-Dimensional Euclidean Space


  7. Generalized Pythagorean Theorem in n-dimensional Euclidean Space


  8. T-S fuzzy systems can describe the complex nonlinear systems by a group of fuzzy set ; also it can approximate the continuous function in n-dimensional Euclidean space by any degree of accuracy .


  9. This paper defines a J-function in the n-dimensional Euclidean space , enumerates its use in mechanics and geometrically discusses the nature of extreme value of J-function in Euclidean space .


  10. Through the normalized gene-rators ' equations of rotor motion with respect to the center of inertia of power systems , the dynamic process of post-fault power system is analogized as a rolling ball with unit mass in the normalized potential valley of an n-dimensional Euclidean angular space .


  11. The classical butterfly theorem is extended to the case of general quadratic hypersurface in n-dimensional ( Euclidean ) space , and the inverse of this theorem is given .


  12. Antithetic formulas of some inequalities for an n-dimensional simplex in the n-dimensional Euclidean space E ~ n are discused .


  13. The theory of distance geometry and the analytic method is used to study the inequality for circumradius and inradius and for the volume and edge-lengths of an n-dimensional simplex in the n-dimensional Euclidean space E ~ n.
